domingo, 1 de noviembre de 2009

1 week to go

By this time next week I will be already flying. It will be the first out of three: Barcelona - Istambul, Istambul - Dehli, Dehli - Kabul. Before that, one week to make the last arrangements. Amongst them, opening this blog. Why this blog? Because some people thought it would be an good idea, a good way to update my friends on how do I feel in this new time of my life. What is that new time of my life??? For the ones who do not know it, I have joined the ICRC (International Red Cross Committee), and my first mission is to work as logistician in Afghanistan. What does a logistician do in the Red Cross? The same as in any other environment. The logistician plans needs, controls stocks, organizes distribution. With some changes...This happens in the middle of an armed conflict, end customers are in remote locations, and it is a matter of survival. Red Cross is the only chance of survival for thousands of people, and the logistics have to physically provide those means for survival. Why The Blog of Illusions? The name comes from Auster´s Book of Illusions. Just an easy play with words. Haven´t you read it yet? Please do so. What will you find in the Blog of Illusions? This is an exercise of egocentrism. Me, myself and I. I will express how I feel, what I do, what I read or what I watch. May be some short stories if I think they are worth to be read. There will not be any opinion or chronique on the status of the conflict, and the only links on news will be to the ICRC web page.

6 comentarios:

  1. Congratulations. tell me how to go there. i'll visit you in Kabul. How is the city?

    Intentaré seguirte aunque estoy sin internet en casa.

    Una pena no haberte visitado en holanda. ¿Se podrá ir a Afganistán? Me das envidia.

  2. Bienvenido a tu nueva casa, al menos durante un tiempo, espero que te encuentres bien. Desde aqui te seguimos

  3. Se ve tu pansa en la foto!
    Fuerza hombre, curiosio de tus aventuras alla.
