miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2009

"I love Beth Cooper"

That was my first movie in Kabul. i would have never wathed it in NL, but the one who connects the laptop to the dolby sorround and the beamer has the right to choose, and by the way, he also paid the itunes rent, so no complains. It was good fun. Another freak in love. The teeneger who also has a heart and a mind. Grad night, alcohol, confesions, etc. Now I have serious conscience issues about my laughs during it. In order to compensate it, next one will be Casablanca. Never seen it on a big screen (or in a big wall...). Other things you might want to know: still sunny, still warm at noon, and yes, there is people here who already knew Huesca. The Health Coordinator also comes from Huesca :-)

1 comentario:

  1. Veo que te apañaste con los 25 kg de la maleta, eso te da una idea del valor que le damos a las cosas materiales.
    Esta bien casar de vez en cuando un cierto lado adolescente, otro dia elige otro, habra para todos.
    Viva los de huesqueta no cundis poco ni nada!
    Mantente ocupado disfruta del buen tiempo y cuidate. un besote
